
Hi everyone and welcome to Alyssa's blog. This page has been designed to update you on Alyssa's progress. Her surgery to close her VSD (hole in her heart) is scheduled for Monday, July 16th (changed to Tuesday, July 17th) at 12:00 (changed to 7:30a.m.). She will be at Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Another Change

Ok- so when I saw Rainbow on the caller ID I instantly got ready to explode. Fortunately this time the change was ok. Her surgery is now first case of the day so we have to be there at 6:15am and they expect to take her in for surgery about 7:30am. Surgery expected to be about four hours long.


I can't begin to thank everyone for their concern. We had a beautiful weekend and today we are getting ready for tomorrow. I think we need a moving company to transport everything we want to take to the hospital!!! We have a few things that are a must, and that includes her stuffed bull. Andrea Mann (one of her pediatricians) gave her the bull last year as she fought her way out of PICU. Then there is the Saint pin with a lucky clover and the St.Therese relic from Ann Fuchs (a friend I work with). Her Angel of Courage from Aunt Holly is also a must take item. Of course we have to take the big screen tv with twenty Dora and Diego videos as well. Ha, Ha, just joking on that last one. Well I will update the page tomorrow during her surgery, so please check back here for updates.